Growing up, many people can recall the emotions and memories of losing a tooth. Some were scared, others excited, but no matter the experience –  one special thing made everything better: the tooth fairy. When it is time for baby teeth to go, Plantation Dental SSI wants to help you improve your tooth fairy game! 


Set an Alarm

The first and biggest tip for becoming a better tooth fairy is to set an alarm. If you don’t set an alarm, the tooth fairy may forget and miss their visit. Set your alarm late enough to ensure your child is fast asleep but during a time you will still be awake. Between the time of putting your child to bed and the alarm going off, you can prepare the best tooth fairy visit. This is just the first step, now let’s get into the next!


“Under the Pillow” is in the Past

One of the most common ways children prepare for a tooth fairy visit is to put their teeth under their pillow. They know it is the tooth fairy’s job to come in in the middle of the night to collect their tooth and replace it with a bit of money or a present. If this is your tooth fairy, it is time to switch it up. Not only is swapping under the pillow difficult to do in the dark, but you can also risk waking your child up. Instead of the under-the-pillow trick, try purchasing a tooth fairy pillow or treasure test that will make the tooth fairy’s job a lot easier. A fun activity to try with your child is to make a basket or container to hold the tooth in while they sleep at night for the tooth fairy to get to them with more ease. You can have your child keep their basket or container on their dresser or nightstand so there is a slim chance they’ll be woken up. This makes it easier and more fun for everyone!


Create a Tooth Fairy Journal

Losing a tooth is a key milestone for a child. The anticipation of a visit from the tooth fairy is so exciting. To prepare for the magical visit from the tooth fairy many children like to write letters. The idea of creating a tooth fairy journal is not only to keep all these letters safe in one place but also so the tooth fairy can leave a reply letter. It will be magical for your child to wake up and see a letter from the tooth fairy after losing their tooth. Keeping a journal is a great way to document and celebrate the moments of your child losing their teeth, and it will also create a special childhood keepsake. 


A tooth fairy journal is an excellent opportunity for your child to reflect on their feelings and experience with losing their teeth. They will be able to express their excitement, curiosity and sometimes even fear about this natural process. It helps children articulate their feelings and develop their writing skills while encouraging self-expression. Keeping a journal is also a great way to celebrate family traditions. Every time your child’s tooth is lost, they will be able to partake, and so will you, in the tradition of writing in their tooth fairy journal. Allow your child to decorate their journal and pages any way they please to exercise their imagination and creativity. 


Fairy Footprints

If you have the time and a little extra creativity, you can make little fairy footprints around your child’s bedroom. Using paper and scissors, cut out little footprints and leave them in a trail on nightstands, dressers, maybe even trailing up onto the bed. Feel free to add glitter and your child’s favorite colors to make it more exciting. These fairy footprints will develop your child’s imagination and belief in the tooth fairy, making them more comfortable about losing their teeth. 


We know these are a lot of tips, but no need to get overwhelmed. These are just a few ideas to inspire you to become a more memorable tooth fairy and make this experience more fun for both you and your child.